25 July 2006

HardCore At HarCourt! Brave Winter Angling!

The Central Highlands can be a bleak place to be when the southerly kicks in. Although the rains are always welcome in these very dry times, their timing can be off! Our winter trek to Harcourt was a wet, cold but very satisfying one. Just the fix for fly flickers suffering from 'closed season steam withdrawl syndrome'.

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Just looking at this pic makes me feel cold!

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But a nice catch like this soon warms you up.

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Redfin are a fun bycatch

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If the rain holds, and enough water flows in, this area will flood. Food will be about in abundance, the trout will be mopping it up... and the fishing will be great!

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The orange beadhead wolly bugger was the fly of the day! A surprise fly that worked well on a dull day where traditional drab olive creations simply were not raising the fish.

1 comment:

ezra said...

was nothing to do with fly.... skil i tells ya!! :-)